CSCI1130 Course Review
Term Taken: 2024 Fall
Instructor: Mr. FUNG Ping Fu
Grading Scheme
- Assignments: 35%
- Midterm: 25%
- Final Examination: 40%
Java Software Solutions: foundations of program design, 9th ed. John LEWIS and William LOFTUS, Addison Wesley/ Pearson, 2018.
This is just a standard course on Java. The only difference from the previous programming course, aside from syntax, is that this one focuses on Object-Oriented Programming — a concept that (at least I believe) is easy to learn.
The instructor has a funny teaching style, so there’s nothing to complain about. The workload is typical for a 3-credit course.
This is the midterm exam I took. The code and solutions are provided in the Java files.