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Term Taken: 2024 Fall

Instructor: Prof. Oleksandr Savateev

Grading Scheme

  • Assignments: 20%
  • Mid-term Test: 30%
  • Final Examination: 50%


  1. Chemistry for Engineering Students, 4th Edition, by Lawrence S. Brown and Thomas A Home, 2019.
  2. Chemistry, the Central Science, by T. L. Brown, H. E. LeMay, B. E. Bursten, C. J. Murphy, P. M. Woodward; 14th ed. 2018.


I had to take this course because it is required by the faculty.

The course is relatively easy. If you have mastered the content in DSE Chemistry (and the Atomic World topic in Physics), then this course won’t be too difficult for you.

Both the midterm and final exams consist of long questions, but I’m not sure if that will remain the same for future exam designs, as past exam papers included multiple-choice questions. Cheat sheets are allowed, but since the content is quite straightforward, you may not need to write much on them. I wrote a lot on my cheat sheet, but 90% of what I included was not tested.

There’s not much else to say about this course. You can take it if you’re looking for an easy class and a good grade!