1 minute read

Term Taken: 2024 Spring

Instructor: Dr. Hoover H. F. Yin

Grading Scheme

  • Midterm 1: 20%
  • Midterm 2: 20%
  • Lab Assignments: 30%
  • Project: 10%
  • Final Exam: 20%


This course is a required course for IE students, and you can take it as an extension of the content of ENGG1110.

The course focuses on C language concepts rather than just writing and compiling code. That being said, it still includes a lot of programming, which is more complicated than what we studied in ENGG1110.

We also learn how to use Linux and UNIX-like systems. I wouldn’t say this course is difficult since the C language is quite straightforward. Additionally, the exam is open book and open internet (but not AI, of course), so you can expect that most of the answers (or similar ones) can be found online.

The instructor is the same as for ENGG1110. He is quite nice, and most of the year 1 courses for the IE department are taught by him (which somehow makes him like a class teacher, lol), so there’s nothing to complain about. The grading is fair, but I guess it’s a common thing since you can find most of the stuff online, and it’s essentially not that different from ENGG1110.