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Well, I’ve got another idea for posting… something?

I thought, why not write a review or comment about the course I took? So here I am with this post. Details like the grading scheme might not be entirely accurate since they can change over time, but I think giving you a glimpse of what the course looks like could be fun.

Before you start

Thanks to CUHK, we have quite a lot of courses to take, especially in general education. It depends on how you see it, but I think they are quite educational (at least for the courses I’ve taken so far, though it might be better if they weren’t credit-bearing).

With that said, I’ve categorized the following just for your information, in case you’re not familiar with what I’m talking about.

  • Major Required
    • Faculty Package (9)
    • Foundation Course (16)
    • Major Required (27)
    • Major Elective (17)
    • Major Final Year Project (6)
    • Free Elective (9)
  • University Core
    • Language (8 + 5)
    • Foundation GE * (6 + 7)
    • College GE (6)
    • Understanding China/Hong Kong (1 + 1)
    • Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking (3)
    • Physical Education

(*) depending on the faculty, the requirements may vary. For me, I need to take courses from UGEA, UGEC, and UGED.

Year 1 Semester 1

My memories of the courses I’ve taken this term are a bit vague, so I’m not able to provide detailed reviews. However, overall, the courses were quite manageable—mostly serving as a recap of math concepts, I suppose.

Year 1 Semester 2

Course Category Credit
IERG2080 - Introduction to Systems Programming Free Elective 3

(*) substitute for ENGG2020

Year 2 Semester 1

Course Category Credit
CHEM1380 - Basic Chemistry for Engineers Foundation Course 3
ENGG2760 - Probability for Engineers Foundation Course 3
CSCI1130 - Intro to Computing Using Java Foundation Course 3
UGFH1000 - In Dialogue with Humanity University Core 3